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  • .45 ACP +P 160 gr. SCHP .45 ACP +P 160 gr. SCHP

    .45 ACP +P 160 gr. SCHP

    Long revered for its man-stopping knockdown power, the .45 ACP cartridge reaches a whole new level of performance with our 160 gr. Solid Copper Hollow Point (SCHP) at an honest 1,200 fps. Expansion is reliable and dramatic, typically .900 caliber, and...
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  • 45 ACP +P 185 gr. JHP 45 ACP +P 185 gr. JHP

    45 ACP +P 185 gr. JHP

    Driving a .45 caliber 185 gr. jacketed hollow point at 1,150 feet per second, Super Vel's premium offering for the .45 ACP is a +P load that delivers 544 ft/lbs of muzzle energy. Accuracy is excellent, as usual for the venerable .45 ACP, and reliability...
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  • 9mm Luger Sub. 147 gr. FMJ "Hush Puppy" 9mm Luger Sub. 147 gr. FMJ "Hush Puppy"

    9mm Luger Sub. 147 gr. FMJ "Hush Puppy"

    This load is identical, in terms of ballistics data, to our 9mm Luger 147 gr. FMJ Certified Select Load, except this load is made with factory new brass, not remanufactured brass. Traveling at 900 fps, well below the speed of sound, our Hush Puppy®...
    $22.95 - $339.95
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  • 9mm Luger Sub. 158 gr. FMJ "Hush Puppy" 9mm Luger Sub. 158 gr. FMJ "Hush Puppy"

    9mm Luger Sub. 158 gr. FMJ "Hush Puppy"

    In 1967, the U.S. Navy type-classified Super Vel's 9mm subsonic 158 gr. FMJ as the Mk 144 Mod 0 ammunition, designed for their Mk 22 Mod 0 "Hush Puppy" pistol. We have duplicated the ballistics with the same bullet at the Navy's specified 965 fps...
    $26.95 - $249.95
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  • 9mm Luger PCC BLITZ 100gr

    9mm Luger PCC BLITZ 100gr

    After continual requests, we bring to you the 9mm Luger 100g FMJ PCC BLITZ in factory new brass! This 100g FMJ is indeed suited to its name... BLITZ.. Flying at ~1300FPS allows for an extremely fast bolt cycle with little to no dot movement and...
    $21.95 - $319.95
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  • 9mm Luger PCC BLITZ 100gr "Certified Select"

    9mm Luger PCC BLITZ 100gr "Certified Select"

    After continual requests, we bring to you the 9mm Luger 100g FMJ PCC BLITZ "Certified Select"! This 100g FMJ is indeed suited to its name... BLITZ.. Flying at ~1300FPS allows for an extremely fast bolt cycle with little to no dot movement and faster...
    $149.95 - $1,199.95
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  • 9mm Luger 124 gr. FMJ "Certified Select"

    9mm Luger 124 gr. FMJ "Certified Select"

    Our 124 grain load offers well designed ballistics best suitable for the 9mm Luger cartridge with a 124 gr. full metal jacket bullet at the velocity of 1,050 fps. This load is perfect for competition or training at 130 Power Factor. Ammunition is offered...
    $29.95 - $1,119.95
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  • 9mm Luger 124 gr. FMJ 9mm Luger 124 gr. FMJ

    9mm Luger 124 gr. FMJ

    Our 124 grain load offers the classic ballistics of the venerable 9mm Luger cartridge with a 124 gr. full metal jacket bullet at the traditional velocity of 1,050 fps. The felt recoil is on par with most defensive 9mm loads. New factory cartridges cases...
    $17.95 - $289.95
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  • 9mm Luger 115 gr. FMJ 9mm Luger 115 gr. FMJ

    9mm Luger 115 gr. FMJ

    Featuring a full metal jacketed roundnose bullet for reliable feeding, our 115 grain 9mm Luger load offers accuracy and mild recoil. Virgin new factory cartridges cases are loaded with a clean-burning propellant to minimize fouling and subsequent...
    $16.95 - $279.95
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  • 9mm Luger +P 115 gr. SCHP 9mm Luger +P 115 gr. SCHP

    9mm Luger +P 115 gr. SCHP

    No question, our +P loading of the 9mm Luger with a 90 gr. conventional jacketed hollow point is an excellent man-stopper and proven defensive load. However, when you take the 9mm bullet, add weight and make it from solid copper with a pre-fluted nose to...
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